What does "Save Disk Information" do?

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What does "Save Disk Information" do?

Post by jack150731 »

What does Surface Test > Save Disk Information do? Does it save the test configuration / status with the disk? Thank you.
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Re: What does "Save Disk Information" do?

Post by hdsentinel »

The "Save disk information" function saves the result of the disk test, which includes
- the disk surface map information (showing green blocks, to indicate no problems, darker green blocks to indicate slower accessible areas, yellow / red blocks to indicate damaged / unaccessible sectors)
- the log on the bottom, showing the actual test type / step performed and any possible error(s) detected on particular sectors of the hard disk.

After saving this information, it is possible to re-load it later and investigate the situation, for example check how the status of the hard disk surface changes with time.
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Joined: 2015.08.01. 01:29

Re: What does "Save Disk Information" do?

Post by jack150731 »

Got it. Thank you very much for the prompt answer.
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