Failure Predicted?

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Failure Predicted?

Post by dbone1026 »

Hello. I am running Hard Disk Sentinel 3.70 on my Windows Home Server. For the last month one of my Seagate 2TB hard drives has been showing as failure predicted by Sentinel. The exact details:

Performance: 100%
Health: 0%
Failure Predicted - Attribute: 5 reallocated sectors count, count of sectors moved to the spare area. Indicate problem with the disk surface or t he read/write heads. Replace hard disk immediately.

What is odd about this is other SMART data tools I use with WHS report this drive being perfectly healthy. I had pulled out the drive in question when the error message first came up and the seagate diagnostic tools reported no problems (this was about a month ago). Although my WHS has been acting fine I decided to pull the drive out again yesterday and will run the seatools diagnostic on it.

Another odd thing, this morning I restarted my WHS (some windows updates came though) and now 3 other seagate drives are reporting the same error. 100% performance, 0% health, Replace hard disk immediately (yet my WHS smart tools report these drives perfectly healthy).

Any ideas what the issue could be. I obviously can't just pull out 4 drives to start running additional tests on, especially if I am getting false reports. I am running Sentinel 3.7. It is the unregistered version. I planned on buying the registered version but want to figure out first if the software is working properly on my WHS.


WHS v1
16 Hard drives
2 SATA RAID Cards (Supermicro SASLP and SAT2-MV8)

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Re: Failure Predicted?

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for your message.

Can you please use Report menu Send test report to developer option when the affected drive(s) are connected?
That way I can verify the disk status information and may advise.
It is possible that the hard disk controller (or its driver) provides some kind of false information - from that developer report I can check if this is the case.
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Re: Failure Predicted?

Post by dbone1026 »

hdsentinel wrote:Thanks for your message.

Can you please use Report menu Send test report to developer option when the affected drive(s) are connected?
That way I can verify the disk status information and may advise.
It is possible that the hard disk controller (or its driver) provides some kind of false information - from that developer report I can check if this is the case.
Thanks for the quick response, just sent. The 3 drives that are reporting the issues are all connected to the same sata controller card.
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Re: Failure Predicted?

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for the hard disk report, I examined it and just sent an e-mail with answer.

I can make sure that there are no problems with the hard disks. Yes, as I suspected, that hard disk controller provide false information for some connected hard disks. Please reply to my mail with the manufacturer / model of that disk controller so then it will be possible to investigate and fix the issue.
Excuse me for the problem.
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Re: Failure Predicted?

Post by dbone1026 »

hdsentinel wrote:Thanks for the hard disk report, I examined it and just sent an e-mail with answer.

I can make sure that there are no problems with the hard disks. Yes, as I suspected, that hard disk controller provide false information for some connected hard disks. Please reply to my mail with the manufacturer / model of that disk controller so then it will be possible to investigate and fix the issue.
Excuse me for the problem.
Hi Janos,

I just received your email and responded back. Thanks for such a quick response on a Sunday. As I mentioned in the email I will definitely be paying for the registered version of Sentinel. Let me know if I can provide any further info.
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Re: Failure Predicted?

Post by hdsentinel »


Thanks for your message and kind words.
I also sent more information in two emails Sunday evening, but not sure if you received them. Please let me know and then I'll re-send in e-mail and private message.
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Re: Failure Predicted?

Post by bogdan33333 »

Failure Predicted - Attribute: 1 Raw Read Error Rate, Errors occurred while reading raw data from a disk. Indicate problem with the disk surface or the read/write heads.
38788 errors occured during data transfer. This may indicate problem of the device or with data/power cables. It is recommended to examine and replace the cables if possible.
Replace hard disk immediately.

It is recommended to backup immediately to prevent data loss.

My HDD works just fine, no problems at all, but when i open my computer it sais " Bad HDD. Backup and replace Immediatly"(or something like that) as a messege from S.M.A.R.T , so disabled it because it was bugging me off and it was complete false afirmation.

If you could help me out somehow, any advice as to how i could get the computer and the program to recognize the HDD as a good drive. I also scanned it with HDD REGENERATOR and it came up with no bad sectors, scanned it verry quick so I know that not even weak sectors wore on it.

PS: Sorry for my english, not my first language.
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Re: Failure Predicted?

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for your message.

I'm afraid the hard disk is about to fail any time.
I can confirm that these problems are real - not false alarm - and can't be repaired by any software.

Basically, as you may see in the text description area there are lots of errors reported for this hard disk.
I can recommend what Hard Disk Sentinel software suggests:

Replace hard disk immediately.
It is recommended to backup immediately to prevent data loss.

The number of problems are too high. Even if the hard disk drive seems work without problems, it can fail completely any time and data loss may occur.
In this situation, you may ask for warranty replacement (if the hard disk still has warranty) because the hard disk is considered "bad".
So it is not really recommended to continue using this hard disk. Imagine, if the manufacturer would replace it (becuase it's bad) how you could trust it to store important information?

> so disabled it because it was bugging me off and it was complete false afirmation.

Excuse me to say, but this is a very wrong decision. Just because you do not want to have notifications about possible problems, the problems are still there - and can cause big damage in the worst time, for example when you'd *really* need to perform some important work on your computer.

> If you could help me out somehow, any advice as to how i could get the computer and the program to recognize the HDD as a good drive.

There are no possible ways.
If there would be only few errors reported and you could confirm with Hard Disk Sentinel that the situation is stable, there are no further problems, then you could clear the error counters and restore the drive to better health level. This is exactly described at this page: ... _drive.php
(How to repair hard disk drive? How to eliminate displayed hard disk problems?)

But because the number of problems is very high and the 0 % health level reached (and you also got warning for the hard disk when you power on the computer, if S.M.A.R.T. was enabled), the hard disk can't be repaired - because no software can replace the damaged / bad part of the hard disk itself.

> I also scanned it with HDD REGENERATOR and it came up with no bad sectors, scanned it verry quick so I know that not even weak sectors wore on it.

Excuse me, but I think this is not enough.
A complete, deep, intensive testing (to reveal and really repair all possible errors related to the disk surface) may take longer time. So if the mentioned tool finished very quickly - I'm sure it did not perform accurate testing.

I'd more recommend to use the test functions from the Disk menu in Hard Disk Sentinel.
There are different levels of testing and I suspect that
- Disk -> Short self test and Disk -> Extended self test would both fail very quickly
- Disk -> Read test may complete (indicating that the disk surface is usable) but the performance of some (or more) blocks would drop and the error-counter (which you see in the text description) would increase, indicating that the situation is far from perfect and the hard disk may be worse and worse.

> PS: Sorry for my english, not my first language.

No problem, this is true for me also :)
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Re: Failure Predicted?

Post by Giaaan »

Failure Predicted - Attribute: 1 Raw Read Error Rate, Errors occurred while reading raw data from a disk. Indicate problem with the disk surface or the read/write heads.
There are 9 weak sectors found on the disk surface. They may be remapped any time in the later use of the disk.
Replace hard disk immediately.

It is recommended to backup immediately to prevent data loss.

Any recommendations? Thank you.
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Re: Failure Predicted?

Post by hdsentinel »

Please see my longer post before your message, I can recommend what the software suggests:

Replace hard disk immediately.
It is recommended to backup immediately to prevent data loss.

Usually such problems when the hard disk reached the error-level threshold can't be repaired and the best you can do (if still possible) to copy all data immediately to an other hard disk and consider replacement. You may ask for warranty replacement (if the hard disk is still covered by warranty) as it is considered as "bad". Windows may refuse installation on a such hard disk and the system BIOS may show S.M.A.R.T. failure too.

If you use Report menu -> Send test report to developer option, I can check the complete status of the hard disk, verify if there may be something to do to improve the situation.
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