Surface Test Speed Variation/Slowness

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Surface Test Speed Variation/Slowness

Post by Sudjac »

Surface test speeds vary dramatically on new drives. All score 200-260mb on crystalmark, but get 37mb/s, 60mb/s, and 80mb/s on reinitialization. The 37mb one is the fastest in cm! Any idea what's going on here?
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Re: Surface Test Speed Variation/Slowness

Post by hdsentinel »

There is nothing wrong, everything is working completely as expected.

Generally the Reinitialise Disk Surface test is a very intensive test which performs
- multiple overwrite passes of each sectors (3 by default) with special initialization patterns
- then clears the sectors
- then reads back the data area to verify the results.

(the default number of such passes can be adjusted by the Surface reinitialization level).

So by default, all sectors are processed 5 times. It means that if the drive would perform around 200 MB/sec, then yes, you'd get about 40 MB/sec in the Reinitialise Disk Surface test.

If you prefer a faster READ test - then use Disk menu -> Surface test -> Read test.
If you prefer a faster simple overwrite - then use Disk menu -> Surface test -> Write test
(or you can lower the mentioned Surface reinitialization level on the Configuration tab in the new window when you select Disk menu -> Surface test).

A benchmark tool is excellent to show high(er) values which are usually never be reached during normal operation....
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