Why are "Total Data" values inconsistent ?

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Why are "Total Data" values inconsistent ?

Post by alan-0000 »

At 19:35:44.64 my Samsung HDD had
"Total Data Read : 38 MB, 18,580 MB since installation (23/05/2012)" was reported for my SamSung HDD at 19:35:44.64
"Total Data Read : 39 MB, 18,620 MB since installation (23/05/2012)" was reported for my SamSung HDD at 20:00:25.18

That indicates an increase of 39 - 38 = 1 MB in the total Read since Windows was last started,
and yet the Total Read since (23/05/2012) is 18,620 MB - 18,580 MB = 40 MB

Similarly my System drive OCZ SSD increased 138-136 = 2 MB or 159,369 MB - 159,231 MB = 148 MB
Similarly Total Write has discrepancies.
Why the massive discrepancies ?

I think I may have put Windows into SLEEP mode just after 19:35
and hit the keyboard to wake it up just before 20:00.
I assume that "today's NNNN MB" are what HDS observes whilst it is actively running,
and that HDS does not observe :-
The final reads and writes as the Browser (Samsung) and Windows (OCZ) close down, or
The early reads and writes as Windows and the Browser Power up.

These reads and writes that HDS cannot observe when it is not active, are they captured somewhere in SMART DATA of the drives,
or is this information captured by Windows W.M.I. or an HDS service for subsequent inclusion in the "since installation" figure ?

Code: Select all

12/07/2012 19:35:44.64
 Disk: #0: SAMSUNG HD103SJ --
Total Data Read  : 38 MB,  18,580 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
Total Data Write : 237 MB,  87,146 MB since installation
 Disk: #1: WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 --
Total Data Read  : 9 MB,  78,148 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
Total Data Write : 1 MB,  74,169 MB since installation
 Disk: #2: OCZ-VERTEX2 --
Total Data Read  : 136 MB,  159,231 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
Total Data Write : 40 MB,  41,170 MB since installation
12/07/2012 20:00:25.18
 Disk: #0: SAMSUNG HD103SJ --
Total Data Read  : 39 MB,  18,620 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
Total Data Write : 258 MB,  87,416 MB since installation
 Disk: #1: WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 --
Total Data Read  : 9 MB,  78,157 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
Total Data Write : 1 MB,  74,170 MB since installation
 Disk: #2: OCZ-VERTEX2 --
Total Data Read  : 138 MB,  159,369 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
Total Data Write : 44 MB,  41,214 MB since installation
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Re: Why are "Total Data" values inconsistent ?

Post by hdsentinel »

I can confirm that the "Performance" page is completely independent from S.M.A.R.T. or the health/statistical information provided by the device itself (hard disk or SSD). It is based on Windows performance counter values and it may be different from the total amount of data read/written reported on the S.M.A.R.T. page.

Yes, these reads/writes are captured only if Hard Disk Sentinel is active during the operations.

In this situation, I can confirm that before standby HDSentinel added the amount of data (38 MBytes) to the "total since installation". After power on again, the system may perform some read operations (causing that the counter is now 39 Mbytes - but from reseted value of 0). So in this situation there were more reads (not only 1 Mbyte).

Excuse me for the confusion caused by the values!
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Re: Why are "Total Data" values inconsistent ?

Post by alan-0000 »

Since my first post I have considerably enhanced the *.BAT script I was using,
and it is as posted at

This now clearly identifies the source of the inconsistency as being SLEEP.

Code: Select all

  21:18:54.98 23/07/2012  -Query-  Disk: #0: WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 --
0: WDC. Total Data Read  : 9 MB,  81,245 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
0: WDC. Total Data Write : 1 MB,  87,995 MB since installation
  22:33:12.22 23/07/2012  -Query-  Disk: #0: WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 --
0: WDC. Total Data Read  : 69 MB,  81,305 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
0: WDC. Total Data Write : 447 MB,  88,441 MB since installation
  22:33:39.71 23/07/2012  -Query-  Disk: #0: WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 --
0: WDC. Total Data Read  : 69 MB,  81,305 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
0: WDC. Total Data Write : 450 MB,  88,444 MB since installation
  22:34:05.98 23/07/2012  PENDING Sleep  Disk: #0: WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 --
0: WDC. Total Data Read  : 69 MB,  81,305 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
0: WDC. Total Data Write : 450 MB,  88,444 MB since installation
  22:35:12.28 23/07/2012 Post Sleep  -Query-  Disk: #0: WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 --
0: WDC. Total Data Read  : 69 MB,  81,374 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
0: WDC. Total Data Write : 450 MB,  88,894 MB since installation
  22:35:56.69 23/07/2012  PENDING Sleep  Disk: #0: WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 --
0: WDC. Total Data Read  : 69 MB,  81,374 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
0: WDC. Total Data Write : 450 MB,  88,894 MB since installation
  22:37:03.30 23/07/2012 Post Sleep  -Query-  Disk: #0: WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 --
0: WDC. Total Data Read  : 69 MB,  81,443 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
0: WDC. Total Data Write : 450 MB,  89,344 MB since installation
Explanation :-
WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 is my secondary HDD which holds :-
Downloads from the Internet ;
my system Pagefile.sys ;
Windows temporary folders as re-defined by %TEMP% and %TMP%

It can be seen that from 21:18:54.98 23/07/2012 until 22:33:12.22 23/07/2012
the "Total Data Write" increased by 446 MB from 1 MB to 447 MB (because I downloaded a few hundred MB)
and the grand total since HDS was installed has also increased from 87,995 MB to 88,441 MB
That was good.
At 22:34:05.98 23/07/2012 the values were unchanged as the script invoked SLEEP.
When Sleep was achieved I hit the keyboard to wake up the computer
and at 22:35:10.80 I launched the script and after 1.48 Seconds at 22:35:12.28 23/07/2012
HDS had issued the text report showing that the Total Data Write remained at 450 MB,
but the number since installation had GROWN by 450 MB
That is bad
This was repeated at 22:37:03.30 23/07/2012

The problem seems to be that the Total Daily Write shows what has been written since the BIOS booted Windows,
and every time Windows resumes from SLEEP this "Daily Write" is added to the number "since installation".

This applies to both Read and Write, and to all HDD and SSD.

NB You do not need to use my script, you can just look at the Disk Performance TAB immediately before and after SLEEP.

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Re: Why are "Total Data" values inconsistent ?

Post by hdsentinel »

This sounds interesting.
I'm investigating the issue and check to vefiy the situation. If the issue can be reproduced, it will be corrected of course.

Thanks so much for your attention !!
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Re: Why are "Total Data" values inconsistent ?

Post by hdsentinel »

I think I found what could be the source of the issue and made an updated version.
If you have the opportunity, can you please check this beta:

There should be no such issue after standby - wake up sequence on your system. Please let me know your experiences about it. Thanks!
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Re: Why are "Total Data" values inconsistent ?

Post by alan-0000 »

Many Thanks

I have now downloaded and exported my current configuration.

I am currently using version 4.00 PRO installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Hard Disk Sentinel\
and with statistics and settings stored in D:\HDSentinel\Stats\

I propose to :-
Save my current configuration ;
Cancel Load With Windows ;
Close the 4.00 PRO application ;
Run the unzipped download and direct the installation away from C:\Program Files (x86)\Hard Disk Sentinel\ to D:\HDS\
and import what has been my current configuration.

Does this seem a good plan, or have you a different suggestion.
I may find time to do this tonight, otherwise I will report the results tomorrow morning.

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Re: Why are "Total Data" values inconsistent ?

Post by hdsentinel »

It is not required to make things so complicated ;)
Just perform the installation to the same folder where 4.00 installed previously.
This will update the program files and the new version will immediately use all settings, statistics, registration details (and work to your D: drive).

Maybe you can backup both C:\Program Files (x86)\Hard Disk Sentinel\ and D:\HDSentinel\Stats\ just to make things safe.
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Re: Why are "Total Data" values inconsistent ?

Post by alan-0000 »

Many thanks

5 minutes to bedtime.
I will follow your advice tomorrow morning.

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Re: Why are "Total Data" values inconsistent ?

Post by alan-0000 »

Sorry to be so late.
My backup system had stopped working and I spent most of today fixing that.

I have now followed your advice and it was as clean as you said.
I permitted a default installation and the old was replaced with version 4.00.17 PRO, and it was still registered to me.

I have now tested and the problem is perfectly cured

Code: Select all

  21:50:31.01 25/07/2012  PENDING Sleep  Disk: #0: WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 --
0: WDC. Total Data Read  : 32 MB,  83,624 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
0: WDC. Total Data Write : 20 MB,  90,949 MB since installation
  21:51:46.49 25/07/2012 Post Sleep  -Query-  Disk: #0: WDC WD6401AALS-00L3B2 --
0: WDC. Total Data Read  : 32 MB,  83,624 MB since installation  (23/05/2012)
0: WDC. Total Data Write : 20 MB,  90,949 MB since installation
Many thanks

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Re: Why are "Total Data" values inconsistent ?

Post by hdsentinel »

Me thanks too for the information and your attention !
And excuse me for the issue encountered on your system!
Thanks ;)
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