Scheduling Self-test

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Scheduling Self-test

Post by ttoomm »

The help file states in the Hardware Self Tests section at the bottom "... or it is possible to configure automatic (scheduled) hard disk tests on the Operations page (Professional version only)."

Would you please elaborate? This quote is the concluding part of a sentence that talks about using the program's interface to manually start self-tests. So presumably the quote is addressing a way to schedule the program interface to do those same tests. An example of how this is accomplished would be very helpful.
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Joined: 2010.10.22. 05:45

Re: Scheduling Self-test

Post by ttoomm »

OK, dumb question equals no reply.

I did, however, figure it out - not sure how I missed that there was a drop down list
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Re: Scheduling Self-test

Post by hdsentinel »

It was a good question, excuse me for no reply in 48 hours. I'm glad that you found it but if I can help, please let me know.
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