Send email via gmail using SSL broken

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Send email via gmail using SSL broken

Post by angelom »

I purchased Hard Disk Sentinel to use the email notification option.
I have configured it and using SSL on google is not working or works sporadically.
If I click the 'Mail Test' button I see a popup appear:

Mail Test
Error while sending test mail. Please verify the e-mail configuration.

Error connecting with SSL.
Error connecting with SSL.
error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number

I'm sure this used to work as I tested it months ago.
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Re: Send email via gmail using SSL broken

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for your message and excuse me for the troubles.

However, I can confirm that there is no bug here.
E-mail sending is working correctly with gmail, just verified now - and personally use on different systems for years, without problems.

Do you use the latest version of Hard Disk Sentinel?
I'd recommend to update to latest version by the automatic update from File menu (or you may even try the latest 4.60.13 version from the Download page).

It is possible that the files required for secure communication on your system broken / damaged, so a re-install may help.
For this, please just close Hard Disk Sentinel completely by File -> Exit and (withzout uninstallation) install the latest 4.60 (or updated beta) version to same folder where the original installed. This way it will automatically use all settings, statistics, logs, registration details - just would re-install the program files.

If you have the latest version and the situation is same after reinstall, then I suspect there may be a minor mis-configuration of e-mail settings.

Please check an other forum topic: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10104&p=13494&hilit=gmail#p13494
which shows 100% working settings.
You may also try port 587, that should work too with gmail (just checked and both work correctly).
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