Cannot save screenshot

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Cannot save screenshot

Post by Lois.R.Briggs »

I recently purchased Hdd Sentinel Professional and installed it (v5.20 9372), but I have different and random errors when I want to save the screenshot from Disk surface map or Temperature and transfer speed tabs. Some HDDs work smoothly, but on others it does not want to save me anything or just one of the tabs.
From the error, I noticed that the application is inserting bad characters in the file name that I want to save without having the ability to edit that area. I even deleted the file name and wrote a word like "asd" and still did not want to save it.
I have no problems with my SSD or my folder or permissions in the folder where I want to save. As long as some tabs are saved, they should all be saved correctly.

If I let the window open and after a while (let's say, 20 minutes) I try again to save the screenshot... it works.
This is very strange behaviour and time consuming.

I-am using Windows 10 Professional with English (US).
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Re: Cannot save screenshot

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for your message and excuse me for the possible troubles.

I can confirm that yes, one user reported similar - but personally I could never reproduce, never see any problems with saving the image, regardless of Windows systems and disk models.

Generally Hard Disk Sentinel generates a default file name (based on the disk drive to allow easier identification) to save and then show the system dialog to specify file name - and then use the name provided back from the system. This can be the default file name/location if you did not change or can be a different name you specify.

The problems you see are not really related to Hard Disk Sentinel: it seems the software got wrong characters, wrong file name back from the system. But as I never saw similar I had no idea what may cause this and how this may happen. So no, Hard Disk Sentinel does NOT insert "bad characters", exactly the opposite: it attempts to filter possible bad characters which should not be used in a file name.

Maybe a shell extension, system management software or so can be in the background - which can affect how these generic system-dialogs displayed. Of course there should be no difference if you save immediately - or after 20 minutes. Maybe somehow Windows respond differently (?) which sounds even more interesting.

Anyway, I can confirm that 5.30 version has some minor updates in this area, so if you did not try, I'd recommend to try the automatic update from File menu to get 5.30 version.

Also after reading your message, I also added extra protection against such issues in the latest 5.30.3 version.
The automatic updater does not download it, but if you prefer, you can download and install directly from ...
To use this version, please just completely close the current version by File -> Exit and install this version to the same folder, where the previous used, overwriting all older/smaller files. This way the new version will automatically use all statistics, settings, license etc.

Please let me know your experiences, thoughts.
The best would be if you can check the situation
- first with 5.30 version
- then with 5.30.3 version (especially if the results are same in 5.30)
to see if there is any difference.

If you still encounter troubles with the latest, please use Report menu -> Send test report to developer option in the 5.30.3 version as it may give ideas, thoughts about what could happen on your system - and how to avoid, improve things further.
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