HDsentinel and new Intel RST -solved-

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HDsentinel and new Intel RST -solved-

Post by Queller »

I would like to point out that with the latest Intel Rapid Storage tecnology my raid arrays are not recognized by HDsentinel, while working perfectly with the previous RST

The thing 'most likely related to the fact that the last RST identify raid arrays as SCSI disks.

Sorry for terrible english :mrgreen:
Last edited by Queller on 2012.07.31. 16:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HDsentinel and new Intel RST

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks !

Yes, this is a known situation. This Intel driver contains several bugs, one of them that it may provide incorrect/limited information for software.

This is exactly why in Support -> Driver Zone version 10.5 is the latest recommended driver for the Intel controller as newer versions does not work as expected. If version 11.2.0 worked correctly on your system, I'd highly recommend to revert to that version (that one also has problems on some systems).

Alternatively, you may download and try the latest beta version, which "tolerates" better the bugs in version 11.xxx of the Intel drivers and the status of the drives may be detected again.

This version can be downloaded directly from this link: http://www.hdsentinel.com/beta4/hdsenti ... p40018.zip

If you prefer to try this version, please send new report as the report would confirm if situation is better or may help to improve the situation - in all possible ways, as it is allowed by the driver.

Excuse me again for the issue. If you have any questions or I can help, please let me know.
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Re: HDsentinel and new Intel RST -solved-

Post by Queller »


With Your new beta, the arrays are correctly recognized!
HDsentinel is an excellent diagnostic software, and the new portable version is of truly flexible use
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Re: HDsentinel and new Intel RST -solved-

Post by hdsentinel »

Me thanks too :D
I'm glad if I could help and happy to hear the new version works correctly with the newer Intel driver!

Anyway, if you can use Report -> Send test report to developer I'd be more than happy to check as it would confirm the situation with the Intel driver.
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Re: HDsentinel and new Intel RST -solved-

Post by nimbystripes »

I truly love this. It works almost the entire time. Cheers!
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