File is created in "My Documents" upon shutdown

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File is created in "My Documents" upon shutdown

Post by plinknatord »

Running HD Sentinel Pro 3.50 (4376). With HD Sentinel running, when I shut down Windows XP, a file is created in the "My Documents" folder. When I open the file in Notepad I see statements such as "SM_SHUTTINGDOWN", "SM_SHUTTINGDOWN (2)", and "Cleaning up, closing". The file has an unusual name because it is one character long in the shape of a square. That filename is problematic because it causes search and sync functions to crash.

If I close HD Sentinel BEFORE shutting down windows the problem file is not created.

Is there a way to stop the creation of this problem "square" file rather than me having to manually close HD Sentinel before shutting Windows down? Thank you very much.

Mike B.
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Re: File is created in "My Documents" upon shutdown

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for your attention.
Excuse me for the issue, this may happen on some systems when detecting unusual shutdown conditions.
Of course, it will be fixed in the next version.
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Re: File is created in "My Documents" upon shutdown

Post by plinknatord »

Yes thank you. Please provide an update because this issue is very annoying it causes the sync of "My Documents" folder to fail.
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Re: File is created in "My Documents" upon shutdown

Post by hdsentinel »

I sent e-mail to your address.
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