more nicer webstatus

Any new ideas, possible impromevents for future versions.
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more nicer webstatus

Post by ShiningDragon »

I am using hard disk sentinel some time now on 8 systems (of course all are licensed!).
What shall i say, i am very satisfied with this piece of great software!
All is working fine, status mails works great and i am very happy.

Now i have discovered the "webstatus" playground for myself. Of course it's a nice thing running an own homepage on my own server.

Basically the technical part works fine too, but the optical one isn't a nice eyecandy, especially if you're monitoring more than one system on one page.

1. problem
I am not able to disable the disable of the temperature of an harddisk. I don't need the publich display of the temperature. On the other hand, the display of a bunch of harddrives, where some aren't able to measure the temperature is awful. The harddisks will displayed ordered from up to down, and not clean from left to right.
I would prefer a display like a table, so that all information parts are straight below. Sorry for my bad english, it's not easy to understand. I try to explain with a picture:


Take a look at "Homeserver 01". The Laufwerk: #3 is an ssd and doesn't deliver any temperature information. The fourth one delivers it. It doesn't look very nice.

2. problem
As you can see with "Homeserver 01" the width of the text is different. Especially on the Modelnumber. I would prefer the view as table like this:

Code: Select all

Laufwerk #00 | <Model> | <Status> | <power>
Laufwerk #01 | <Model> | <Status> | <power>
Laufwerk #02 | <Model> | <Status> | <power>
Laufwerk #03 | <Model> | <Status> | <power>
3. problem
The background colour. The width of the background colour is depending of the height / width of the text information. I would prefer fixed sizes, so that more machines on one page would look smoother and cleaner and not different in size.

I hope, you got my point, even my english is bad as hell. XD
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Re: more nicer webstatus

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for your message and thanks for your kind words ;)

Yes, generally WebStatus window uses the configured "Status Window" settings of the actual system.
This includes the font, color, graphic, information to be displayed for each hard disk/SSD and the list of drives to be displayed, which can be controlled at Configuration -> Status Window and Configuration -> Hard Disk Drives (on that page maybe you can hide some drives you prefer to be not displayed at all).

Yes, I see what you mean: it would be nice to make then somehow similar, synchronize their display, as currently their width / size depends on the actual configuration of each of your servers.

Already thinking on a such solution - maybe to somehow control the display of the status window, for example by special script / formula in a configuration file which you may deploy on all of your systems - and then the status window should look the same on them to improve readability.
If you have such ideas, thoughts, I'd suggest to send directly to as then we can discuss the details and may make things to be the most useful.

Did you check the "Remote PC gadget" made by Kramttocs?
That can be also interesting if you prefer to monitor systems remotely with Hard Disk Sentinel.
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