These functions are available only in the PROFESSIONAL version.
Different project list can be defined for every days of the week. From the menu next to Launch on the user can choose the day of the week to examine the defined projects and add/review the configuration.
By using the suspend on next such day it is possible to disable all projects on the following selected day. For example, if the current day selected and displayed is Tuesday and this option is selected, the projects scheduled for tuesday will not be executed on next tuesday. This way it is possible to temporarily disable the projects for a planned service. After the day is passed (eg. after the next Tuesday), the application will be automatically restored into normal mode and all projects will run as before. This way the administrator will not need to worry about manually disabling and then re-enabling the projects after the service has completed.
The red X under the Delete can be used to remove the corresponding project from the list. Of course, the project itself will not be deleted, it can be selected again any time later to add into a project list. Then (from left to right) the project number is displayed. This is important only if the user wants to create a project chain (execute projects sequentially, one after one).
Under the Project, the name of the project is displayed. The user may select the project to be executed from the list of previously created projects.
In the Start column it is possible to set when the project should be executed. The possible options are:
Fix time: the project will be executed at the time specified in the Time column (hour:minute). If the project was not possible to run at the configured time (for example, the system is not ready because of a power problem), the project may run at a later (but first available) time. This can be controlled by the Can run later option. Recommended for performing fix, longer scheduled projects (for example full backup during the night).
After load: start the project after Hard Disk Sentinel is started and a pre-defined delay elapsed. The delay can be configured in the Time column (hour:minute). The project will be executed after every restarts of Hard Disk Sentinel. If the system needs to be restarted regularly, it can run many times per day. Recommended for quick backups (for example saving new or modified documents, images).
After load 1/day: start the project after Hard Disk Sentinel is started and a pre-defined delay elapsed. The delay can be configured in the Time column (hour:minute). The project will be executed only after the first start of Hard Disk Sentinel on all days, so it runs maximum once per day. Recommended for tasks to perform maximum once per day for example updating an anti-virus database.
Repetitive: repeat the project after a configured period. The period can be configured in the Time column (hour:minute). Recomended for saving frequently modified data, frequently arriving files, images.
After X: start the project when an other project with number X is completed. Available only if the project list with project number X is saved. Note: if any project in the chain is cancelled by the user or the user refused to start a project when he needed to allow it, all further projects depend on the cancelled one will not be started. It is possible to connect one or more projects to a previously completed project (if the projects have the same "After X" option selected). This way these projects will run simultaneously, just after the other project (with number X) is completed. Recommended for: compressing archived files, burning the files to optical media.
If the Ask before run option is selected, the project will not be executed automatically. Instead, a confirmation window is displayed with the name and comment of the project and the user must allow the project to start. This way the user may delay the execution of the project (and all projects depending on this one) by waiting before pressing the button. If he cancels the execution, the project and all depending projects will not be started. Note: this option can be disabled only in the registered version. The unregistered version always needs confirmation for the project execution.
By unchecking the Enabled option, the project will be disabled and it will not be started. This way a project can be disabled for a longer time - without removing from the project list. Note: if one or more projects depend on the disabled project, such projects will not be executed also. Hard Disk Sentinel displays a warning about this situation and the user may review the configuration.
Click on the Add new project to the list at the end of the list to add new project to the daily schedule.