Gnome | Unity | KDE | LXDE | XFCE | Enligtenment | Moshka | Cinnamon | Budgie | Mate | Deepin | LXQt | Xterm *** | |
Ubuntu | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | O | |||||
OpenSUSE | Y | Y | Y | O | |||||||||
PCLinuxOS | Y# | Y ** | Y* | Y** | Y** | O | |||||||
CentOS | Y | Y | O | ||||||||||
Fedora | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | O | ||||||
Manjaro | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | O | |||
Mint | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | O | |||||||
Zorin | Y | Y | O | ||||||||||
Debian | Y | Y | Y | Y | O | ||||||||
Bodhi | Y | Y | O | ||||||||||
MintDE | Y | Y | O | ||||||||||
Debian | Y | Y | Y* | Y | O | ||||||||
Mythbuntu | Y | O | |||||||||||
Deepin | Y | O | |||||||||||
This chart indicates whether the HDS installer for that Desktop has been tested on that OS and is known to work. Installation may be straight forward, | |||||||||||||
or that specific combination of Desktop and OS may need special installation procedures. If so, they are included in the Installation Guide. If your | |||||||||||||
specific combination of OS and desktop has not been tested, it doesn't mean it won't work. If there is no Y under your combo of OS and Desktop, that | |||||||||||||
means it has not been tested. Read read at least one of the Installation Guides for your OS, then try the installer for your Desktop (be sure you use the | |||||||||||||
correct x32 or x64 version) and see what happens. If it doesn't work, let me know and I will troubleshoot it here on a VM with your combination and | |||||||||||||
create an Installation Guide for it. I can tell you right now any OS that doesn't support sudo, such as Debian or PCLinuxOS, will probably need an su | |||||||||||||
version of the HDS installer. Before you attempt to install to these OS, check for the sudoers file (generally in the /etc/ directory). If you have one, | |||||||||||||
you will not need the su version of the installer. If not, plan on using the su version. Some versions of Debian do support sudo, but they make adding | |||||||||||||
someone to the sudoers file difficult. Telling you how to do that is beyond the scope of my Installation Guides, so you are on your own with that. But | |||||||||||||
if I could figure it out, anyone can. Look for a tutorial on the Distro's website or elsewhere online, like in support forums. It involves editing a system | |||||||||||||
file, so they intentionally make it hard for you to do, for security and safety's sake. | |||||||||||||
There are 2 installers for each Desktop, One for 32 bit OS and one for 64 OS. Plus 4 for use with the Xterm emulator, one su version for 32 bit and one | |||||||||||||
for 64 bit, plus one regular (sudo) version for 32 bit and one for 64 bit. That makes a total of 32 installers. Aside from the 32 vs 64 bit and su vs sudo | |||||||||||||
aspects, differences in OS will affect how you handle the installation, but not which installer you use, You use the installer for your Desktop (or | |||||||||||||
terminal emulator). The Desktop determines which emulator to call and how, and that is the main difference in the installers. | |||||||||||||
# use the kde-su installers | |||||||||||||
* use the xfce-su installers. | |||||||||||||
** use the Xterm-su installers. The Xterm-su installer uses the Xterm emulator and is the universal installer for all non-sudo enabled OS. | |||||||||||||
*** Xterm installer is an optional installer for most OS. It will usually work with any sudo enabled OS/Desktop, though you may have to install the | |||||||||||||
Xterm emulator first. It's preferred that you use the installer for your Desktop. As a fallback, the Xterm installer should work if needed or if your | |||||||||||||
Desktop isn't listed. There are no Installation Guides for Xterm per se, but some of the desktop installers actually use Xterm. While they use the same | |||||||||||||
installer, the installation process may differ. It is impossible to know what your specific installation process will be. If you run into problems, first | |||||||||||||
read over the various Installation Guides to see if your problem is addressed in one of them. If that doesn't help, contact me. | |||||||||||||
I've tried hard to ensure the HDS installers work with all possible combinations. But this list, which is far from a full listing of all OS and all | |||||||||||||
Desktops, consists of 169 possible combinations. So it is nearly impossible, and certainly time prohibitive, to test all the possible combinations. If you | |||||||||||||
run into trouble, I will be happy to help sort things out. If you elect to use an Xterm installer rather than the one listed for your Desktop, be sure to | |||||||||||||
read the Installation Guide for your OS/Desktop installer if there is one. It may outline special steps needed for your OS, that may apply no matter | |||||||||||||
what Desktop or terminal emulator you are using. If there is no Guide for your Desktop/OS look at the other Guides for your OS, they may help outline | |||||||||||||
special steps you can try if things don't seem to be working. If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me. | |||||||||||||
Marc Sayer : marcsayer56 (at) gmail (dot) com |